Trompete, Flöte, Kontrabass - Die wunderbare Welt der Musikinstrumente nach dem Buch von Marko Simsa, mit Bildern von Birgit Antoni.
- Location:
- Stadtteilbibliothek Feuerbach, Sankt-Pöltener-Straße 29, 70469 Stuttgart
- Date
- April 5, 2025, 10:30 AM
The district library organizes "Music between books" with the district music school. The picture book show is accompanied musically by the children of the music school.
It sounds and whistles and scrapes and rings in the library! Join Professor Bär on a musical and literary discovery tour through the world of instruments. In keeping with the picture book show, children from the Feuerbach Music School will bring the instruments in the story to life.
As part of the 18th Feuerbach Culture Night.