"Urbane Lettern"

Stadtteilbibliothek Feuerbach, Sankt-Pöltener-Straße 29, 70469 Stuttgart

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The Feuerbach District Library is showing pictures by Feuerbach artist Jan-René Fuchsluger.

You can't get past the mostly large lettering in cities around the world.
They are sometimes more, sometimes less legible for passers-by, but have a message.
The designers use them to communicate with each other and make themselves known.
In the Urban Letters exhibition, individual letters are presented iconically on individual canvases. The aim is to show the individual aesthetics and diversity of the letters.
The artistic work of the draughtsman, calligrapher and painter Jan R. Fuchsluger began with graffiti. Now he has returned to his creative roots and created the works on display in the exhibition to give art in urban spaces a special focus.

Location & Contact

Stadtteilbibliothek Feuerbach
Sankt-Pöltener-Straße 29
70469 Stuttgart

Organizer: Stadtteilbibliothek Feuerbach

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