© IfT Institut für Talententwicklung GmbH

Vocatium Stuttgart 2024

Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle, Mercedesstraße 69, 70372 Stuttgart

Please check the individual dates in the calendar overview.

Vocatium Stuttgart, the trade fair for vocational training and studies, helps school pupils choose a career and study program. On July 9 and 10, 2024, interested parties can obtain information in the Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle between 8.30 a.m. and 3 p.m. Pupils

from around 60 schools from Stuttgart and the neighboring districts are expected to attend the trade fair for training and studies for binding appointments with training companies, vocational schools, universities and advisory institutions.


trade fair concept aims to provide pupils and exhibitors with more efficient discussions through personal contact and better preparation. In these approx. 20-minute talks, pupils from all types of schools can obtain information from HR and training managers from companies in the region as well as study advisors from colleges and universities.

All exhibitors, the trade fair handbook and the lecture program on the topics of training, studying and the world of work can be accessed online.

The state capital of Stuttgart will provide advice on the wide range of training and study opportunities in the city at a stand


Location & Contact

Mercedesstraße 69
70372 Stuttgart

Organizer: Dummy Veranstalter

Plan your trip

Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart GmbH
VVS timetable information

Deutsche Bahn AG
DB timetable information

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