The Little Mole, © Nellys Puppentheater

Vom kleinen Maulwurf, der wissen wollte, wer ihm auf den Kopf gemacht hat

Nellys Puppen Theater, Charlottenstraße 44, 70182 Stuttgart

Please check the individual dates in the calendar overview.

from € 8.00

A puppet theater thriller Duration: 40 minutes / for children aged 3 and over, but older children and adults can laugh at it too.

Someone has hit the little mole on the head. Just as he was about to enjoy the warm rays of sunshine on a beautiful day, he sticks his head out of the ground ... and then it happens. Suddenly he has something round, brown and smelly on his head. The mole is small and short-sighted. And he hasn't seen the culprit. But he is very brave and immediately sets off to punish the culprit.

First, he suspects a pigeon and asks it "Did you poop on my head?" In response, the pigeon poops at his feet. It is a white blob. The mole continues his search. He meets the horse and asks his question again. In response, the horse plops horse droppings at his feet. Then the mole comes to the pig, who has just returned from vacation ... But the pig's droppings also look completely different. He continues to ask the goat, the cow and the fly. The fly knows all about droppings and can provide the crucial clue. No more will be revealed here.

Price information

from € 8.00

Location & Contact

Nellys Puppen Theater
Charlottenstraße 44
70182 Stuttgart

Organizer: Nellys Puppen Theater

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