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Stadtbibliothek am Mailänder Platz - Max-Bense-Forum, Mailänder Platz 1, 70173 Stuttgart
March 13, 2025, 7:30 PM

Lecture in the Chaos Computer Club Stuttgart series with Marc 'Zugschlus' Haber

Railroad safety technology plays a central role in ensuring smooth and safe rail traffic. In this lecture, Marc "Zugschlus" Haber explains the basic principles of safety technology in a nerd-compatible way: What is the division of labor between the dispatcher and the train driver? What is a route? How do the different types of interlocking work? How do the dispatchers communicate along the line? The lecture is aimed at newcomers, those interested in technology and anyone who would like to gain an insight into the fascinating world of railroad safety and lays the foundations for further lectures on modern topics such as ETCS and ERTMS.

In cooperation with the Chaos Computer Club Stuttgart

Location & Contact

Stadtbibliothek am Mailänder Platz - Max-Bense-Forum
Mailänder Platz 1
70173 Stuttgart

Organizer: Stadtbibliothek am Mailänder Platz

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