© Sofiia Panasiuk

Woran wir glauben

Rathaus Stuttgart, Marktplatz (M) 1, 70173 Stuttgart

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Exhibition of photographs by pupils from Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine

Around 30 pupils from Serhij Yefremov High School have photographed their home town and written short texts. What do the young people believe in? What shapes their everyday lives? What gives young people stability? And what are the places in their city that are particularly important to them today, that have changed as a result of the war or with which they identify?
The pictures and texts provide an insight into the lives of children and young people in Khmelnytskyi. They show everyday life in Ukraine, far from the front, in which the war is always present.

The exhibition "What we believe in" will open on Friday, February 28 at 6 p.m. in the main conference room of the town hall, followed by a reception. Please register by Tuesday, February 25, at www.stuttgart.de/anmeldung-protokoll, quoting the event number 250228 (see also link under registration).

Stuttgart has been the twin city of Khmelnytskyi since 2023. The Serhij Yefremov Gymnasium comprises grades 5 to 9 and is also connected to an elementary school. As a second foreign language (after English), the children learn either Polish or German from the fifth grade onwards. Over 600 children are currently taking German lessons at the school.

Location & Contact

Rathaus Stuttgart
Marktplatz (M) 1
70173 Stuttgart

Organizer: Dummy Veranstalter

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