Zärtlichkeiten mit Freunden

Rosenau - Lokalität & Bühne, Rotebühlstraße 109 b, 70178 Stuttgart

"Everything must, nothing can!" - The well-known band "Zärtlichkeiten mit Freunden" is finally leaving the dusty, well-trodden paths of Central German rock music and carefully stumbling its way into new territory. After countless years, filled to the brim with smash hits on the electric guitar, the two rough musicians, or at least one of them, want to reinvent themselves. And the other has to join in. A breath of fresh air blows through the band. A litmus test for the relationship between man and musician. It smells of electricity and cold solder joints in the borrowed synthesizer. Come and see. And bring something to read. For example, the CASIO DG-7 instruction manual, which could be useful.

Location & Contact

Rosenau - Lokalität & Bühne
Rotebühlstraße 109 b
70178 Stuttgart

Organizer: Rosenau Kultur e.V.

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Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart GmbH
VVS timetable information

Deutsche Bahn AG
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