Zukunftstrede: Q & A an Eva Illouz

Literaturhaus Stuttgart, Breitscheidstr. 4, 70174 Stuttgart

Moderation: Felix Heidenreich

Ask Eva Illouz! Her work is dazzling, her observations accurate, her analyses stimulating: on the evening of the Future Speech, you will have the opportunity to write down your questions for Eva Illouz on cards and hand them in. Questions will also be collected at the following day's events with
students, questions will also be collected. And on the evening of February 6, you will also have the opportunity to put your questions to the sociologist and author of the third Stuttgart Speech on the Future. Felix Heidenreich, moderator, political scientist and philosopher, will collect the questions received in advance and make a selection for the evening with Eva Illouz at the Literaturhaus

Location & Contact

Literaturhaus Stuttgart
Breitscheidstr. 4
70174 Stuttgart

Organizer: Literaturhaus Stuttgart

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